“ The essence of the primal movement is, when in doubt, go back to the ancestral model and emulate that in the real world.” ~ Mark Sisson

The modern world and all its comforts are causing us pain and making us sick. Our bodies did not evolve to live like this – to sit for hours on end, or to chug down ultra-processed food every 3 hours. The solution? Go primal.

Mark Sisson is widely known as the founding father of the ancestral health movement and the paleo diet. His focus is on getting us to eat and move like our ancestors, to extend the healthy years we have on this planet. He’s the author of The Primal Blueprint, The Keto Reset Diet and The Primal Connection. And his latest book is titled Born To Walk.

In this episode, Mark and Tim discuss the core tenants of the Primal Blueprint, and how you can easily incorporate these into your life. They dismantle the misconceptions around the Paleo diet, explaining just how abundant your food choices can be. They discuss the many health benefits of going barefoot (or wearing barefoot shoes). And, with the Health Optimisation Summit in Austin coming up, they explore the importance of finding your “tribe” and sharing your journey with other, like-minded people.

Inspired by today’s episode? Dive deeper this April at the Health Optimisation Summit in Austin, TX. Join the tribe for a weekend of ancestral health, paleo wisdom, and cutting-edge health optimisation. Get your tickets now at hosummit.com/austin

💡 Highlights

0:00 Intro

1:29 Why paleo is THE way to live

4:43 What our ancestors did better

13:39 Core tenants of the Primal Blueprint

18:21 How to achieve metabolic flexibility

29:24 What can you eat on the paleo diet?

38:04 Is alcohol ok on paleo?

44:33 Finding your purpose

49:34 Benefits of going barefoot

58:16 Finding your tribe

1:03:25 A primal vacation

🔎 Visit: marksissonprimal   

A huge thank you to APE Nutrition for sponsoring this episode! If you’re tired of protein powders filled with chemicals and fillers, check out APE’s Beef Protein Isolate. With just 5 clean ingredients – grass-fed beef protein, raw cacao, maple, sea salt, and vanilla – it’s dairy-free but not plant-based! It’s packed with 9 essential amino acids and naturally occurring creatine to support your muscle growth and recovery. Head to http://www.apenutrition.co.uk and use code TIMBIOHACKER for 10% off your first order.

Like to watch your podcasts? Check out Tim Gray’s YouTube channel for ALL the Health Optimisation Podcast episodes.

This is the Health Optimisation Podcast with your host, Tim Gray, the UK’s Leading Biohacker. This podcast brings you the latest in health optimisation, featuring experts and breakthroughs in nature, biohacking, technology, and longevity research. Join us to discover actionable advice for living longer and healthier.

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The Health Optimisation Podcast is an OG Podcasts production.

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